Final Research Project

Direct link to the overview slides.

Project Requirements

  • Minimum required sources: 1 background, 3 academic, 5 primary sources.
  • Regardless of format(s), each project should convey a historical argument and interpretation of sources.
  • Each project will have a formatted (MLA or Chicago Style) bibliography.
  • Each project should foreground the primary sources and an analysis of the sources.
  • DRAFT Final Project Rubric: Google Slides version and Excel version (.xlsx).

Due Dates and Project Milestones

Module 7: Start Brainstorming Topic and Format Ideas

Module 9: Project Pitch

  • This will be the assignment for the Module 9 Lab. You will be asked to identify the topic you wish to research, the time period of study, primary sources you would like to include in your project, and the format your final project will take.

Module 11: Storyboard & Preliminary Source List

  • The preliminary source list will be an annotated bibliography of the sources you’ve found for your project. There will be a required number of background, academic, and primary sources to include. A storyboard is an outline or sketch of how you plan to organize and present your research. This is an important step for a digital project, because it serves as a framework for how you will move your reader/viewer through your interpretation and introduce them to the sources you analyze.

Module 13: Peer Review Workshop

  • Workshopping will happen in small groups using a structured rubric and specific questions to guide the feedback.

Module 15: Project Presentations

  • You will present on a full draft (not fully polished but mostly done) of your project. You will record a ~5 minute presentation and upload it with your project draft. Feedback will occur in small groups, but your project will be visible to the whole class.

Finals Week: Turn in Final Project by Thursday, Dec. 18 at noon (12pm).

FAQs (updated regularly as questions come in)

  • Can I build a physical model or object for the final project? Yes. Note: you will have to take pictures and/or video of the entire model to share with me and the class for feedback.
  • Can the time period for my project go past 1400 CE? As long as your project starts firmly before 1400CE, you can extend the endpoint to no later than 1600CE.
  • Can I combine different elements for my project (e.g., slides with a paper)? Yes.
  • Are there any examples or models for what good projects look like? Yes: in the Digital Project technical resources slidedeck below, checkout the “Digital storytelling examples by students” slide for links to student-created projects. The projects on this page are successful because they are well-researched, and the analysis is presented in formats that align with the research topics and communication goals.